Study in France

Campus France helps you
Welcome to France
France has been the first tourist destination in the world for 25 years.
Every French region has its specificities (and not only for cheese and wine!)
By studying in France, you will discover a diverse country with a rich and multicultural history, quality of higher education and low tuition fees.
So what are you waiting for?
Why choose France

The Times Higher Education has published the Global Employability University Ranking and Survey (GEURS) 2025, which ranks universities worldwide based on employability.

Campus France, together with the Verian Institute, surveyed over 10,000 international alumni who studied in France to explore the lasting impact of their education.

The 2024 edition of the prestigious Shanghai ranking confirmed the excellence of French universities on the international stage. With Paris-Saclay ranked 12th in the world, France has established itself as a leading nation in higher education and research. This historic result, the best ever achieved by a French university, underlines the quality and dynamism of French institutions.